Learn how to make fireworks at home! making fireworks at home has never been easier with the many eBooks available from www.pyrosecrets.com. the eBooks they have contain tons of helpful information on:
-Building a ball mill
-Pyrotechnic Compositions
-Making Balck Powder
-Making Fuses
-Electrical Ignitors
-romal candles
-Paper Tubes
-End Plugs
-Candy Rocket Propellant
-Electrical Ignition Systems
-Estes Rocket Propellant
-Building a ball mill
-Pyrotechnic Compositions
-Making Balck Powder
-Making Fuses
-Electrical Ignitors
-romal candles
-Paper Tubes
-End Plugs
-Candy Rocket Propellant
-Electrical Ignition Systems
-Estes Rocket Propellant
PyroSecrets offers many different eBooks that each teach different subjets such as building ball mills, making sugar motor rocket propellant (Rcandy: Rocket Candy propellant), making paper tubing and endplugs, Making Rockets, Making Ariel Shells, Making Blackmatch fuse, etc.
Visit Our Homepage to see all of our eBooks that contain detailed instructions on how to make homemade fireworks.
These are extensive plans on how to build a ball mill from parts easily available to anyone from any local hardware store such as Home Depot or Lowes. These can be built relaitvely cheaply, only costing around $20.00 to build and our eBook includes a list of parts that are needed to build the Ball Mill and a well detailed intruction manuel on how to construct the Ball Mill and the also instructions on how to use the Ball Mill.